Monday 3 October 2016

Who is Nathan?

Hello friends and teachers,

I'm Vo Phan Gia Bao, personally I prefer myself to be called Nathan.

18 and a half, humour-directed, moody, religion is ART.
I sing, I draw, I play an awful lot of video games. I also have extreme love and passion for cooking as well as baking. I like humour, either light humour or dark humour, I'm all in for it. At times you will find me struggling with what I'm saying as sometimes my mouth processes faster than my brain.
 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My art is very much about fantasy, mental health and some other dark themes. I really think that aesthetics really matter in art, composition is the jelly and concept is the peanut butter in a pbj sandwich, one can only succeed by knowing how to combine the two and using the right portions in order to feel heaven in every bite.

I specialise in digital art, illustration and animation. I hope to learn more and acquire more with my time studying at DMU.
My progression route is:
Animation BA(Hons) at DMU.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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