Sunday 4 December 2016

Final Piece 4: The Kamikaze Coffin

I wanted to tell a story about this boy with depression, who was rejected by people, who was being bullied, and who had a tough time with life. He had major depressive disorder, because everything failed on him.
He had doubts about himself, he had problems about his sexuality, and he chose to keep all of that in, not telling anyone, by that, he only fueled his sadness and depression, making it grow bigger and bigger everyday, burrying him in its massive size.
I also want the monster to be portrayed as a coffin, that he locked himself in and let it devour him slowly until he dies, slowly, without anyone noticing.

The word 'kamikaze' is also known as the Suicide Bomber in japanese, they're known for being brave by sacrificing for other's good. It's called the kamikaze coffin as he thought that by slowly. voluntarily killing himself, people would be happy as no one liked him and they only wanted him to disappear.

For this one, I wanted to make it seemed like it was nothing, it was happy and all, because he hid his troubles, so they everything would seem fine to outsiders, while he was suffocating all on his own, so I used really cheerful colours, in hopes of making the painting happier and lighter rather than dull and confusing like the other two pieces.

I came up with the outline of the coffin.

The whole sketch and lining process.

Filling in colours.

Finishing up without narrative.

Complete final piece with narrative.

#thoughts: I really liked this piece, in fact I liked it the most, it was carefully done, as well as carefuly thought out, and the contrast between the colour scheme and the message I wanted to deliver to me is beautiful, I wouldn't like THE KAMIKAZE COFFIN any other way.

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