Monday 7 November 2016

Artist Research: Loish

LOISH artist research

About the aesthetics of my major project pieces, I wanted them to look dreamy, mysterious. So I looked at Loish.

This artist relates to me as she uses very pale and vibrant at the same time, some of her work do give this mysterious feel, which is what I’m going for.
Loish also portrays girls in a majority of her pieces, which is what I want to illustrate in my major project, girls (and a few boys) interacting with their fears, doubts and insecurities.

As I moved on, I found that Loish’s art style really attracts me, and I wanted to be inspired by her style, I want my work to look similar, but not limited to her style.

Loish’s art style study

I went on and did a study of Loish’s piece in her ‘Gumdrop’ series, which is a portrait of a girl.

By doing the study, I learned that Loish usually splits her colour schemes in half, half being really pale and half being really vibrant, and it creates a mysterious and dreamy feeling.

Technique wise, I have learned that the more you worry about lines in your paintings, the less realistic it becomes. From now on I think I should not think about lines that much for my paintings, I should only use them on my sketching processes.


artworks taken from Loish. 2016. Loish. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 7 November 2016].


  1. Amazing artist study, I love how you practice drawing Loish's style of drawing to somehow make it yours too.

  2. Where is your post on critical feedback? Please add this, including images of the feedback forms and reflection on your peers comments and what you need to do to improve your blog/website in line with these suggestions.

  3. Please post your process of drawing in digital software, with screenshots and notes (explaining which digital tools you are using). You have been working on some beautiful digital drawings in the last couple of lessons, please upload them.
