Sunday 4 December 2016

Final Piece 2: His Blue Moon/Rejected

For my second final piece, I wanted to illustrate depression.

The Concept
I want to tell a story about this sad man, being trapped and consumed by depression. The blue moon monster represents the the sadness, the depression that this guy has. What he fears, what he is afraid of, what makes him constantly sad. His fears of not being accepted, being loved and being considered a human being all form into this large monster that turns him into its slave, its toy and its source of life, it feeds on the person's sadness, and grow larger and larger in size. It then conquers and takes full control of him, it orders him to not tell its very existence.

For choice of colour, I'm using really subtle, pale colours. I'm not trying to create confusion with mixing a set of vibrant and pale colours like I did in Tentacles of Anxiety, I'm trying to create an atmosphere full of sadness, no anger, no confusion. 


As I continued working on this second major piece, I felt like it wasn't right for my project, the aesthetics and the composition was not that great. I also could see that the anatomy was not right as well as the monster did not look as captivating as I would like it to be.

I stopped immediately after I realised that my work was not going well.
I would not say that this was a failure, it wasn't going well, but If I had more time, I think it could have been made into something greater.

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