Thursday 24 November 2016

Artist Research: Shawn Coss


For this artist research, I looked at Shawn Coss, an artist that draws about mental disorders using really scary, twisted visuals.

I looked as him as I thought I could learn from his art style in order to make my work look better.
He uses very heavy shadows so that it creates a very creepy feel to his work, and the way he illustrates his art is also graphic and horrifying.

As a result I did a response to Shawn Coss, applying the technique and his visuals on a drawing of a victim of Alcohol/Substance Dependance Disorder. 
It works, but as I progressed and comtemplated, this style of work doesn't really fit me and my art style, and it definitely would not work for my major project.

However, I think it'd be better to record and post this artist research.

1 comment:

  1. I've just stumbled upon this while looking up Shawn's work and I love it. You captured his style well with the bottles stretching through the creature's skin, looks like an idea he would come up with himself. Awesome job!!
