Thursday 17 November 2016



This post is to showcase my first final piece and the process of making it.
It started out as a concept, and a sketch of this girl, looking scared, being consumed slowly by her anxiety, which is the monster from the deep with millions of eyes staring at her.

I immediately got to work and started to paint her from my line art. 
I chose a really pale palette so that it brings a dull and mysterious atmosphere.

After finishing her face, I started on painting her body, I think I really need to step up my contouring game as it does not look as realistic as I wanted it to be.

 Line art for the foreground and background was made afterwards.

I then proceeded to colour the rest of the foreground and background, using a really dull and pale colour for the water, trying to make the contrasting tentacles pop out more.

I was working on my piece but then I realised that the hair looked out of place, and I wanted it to look more natural, I also wanted to change her face so that she would look more scared, which is what I was trying to go for from the beginning. So I made a few adjustments, for example her hair doesn't fit into the whole colour scheme, therefore I changed it so it would match the tentacles, to make the painting look like it was not seperated and all-over-the-place. Aside from the colour of her hair, I didn't really like the shape of it, it looked unnatural in that situation to me. 

After making a few tweaks, I found that the picture was more in-sync as a whole and I was pleased with it. 

After finishing the painting, I added the narrative and formed it into a part of the background. The narrative tells that she is being slowly consumed by what the people says and the negative thoughts that she has (the tentacles) until she was met with a terrible, pitiful death.

The whole process took me approximately 20 hours, and I work on it for 3 days.


Tentacles of Anxiety

1 comment:

  1. Please remember to add the names of tools you are using within your process posts. Also, you need to add reflection on the final piece as a whole; did it work as you wanted it to? Is there anything you would change? This can be either added to this post, or create a new post with just the final piece and your reflection. Have a look at the marking criteria on Blackboard for further pointers as to what needs to be included.
