Wednesday 16 November 2016



Major Project

His project us about making manga, and he is influenced by Miyazaki, which I think is a good thing as he was a really famous and popular artist for his concepts and animations.

Khalid's research is consistent, for everything he makes, he seems to make a blog post about it, which is fantastic as it shows that his work is progressing each and everyday. He also looked a wide variety of mangas for his research and explored how visuals could be portrayed and how the narrative should be placed into the pages.

He presented many characters and went through his character designs, and the storyboards shows that he knows what he is doing.


It is important that you should not showcase others' work on your website, Khalid needs to be reminded of this.

His about page to me, is a bit overwhelming, and it doesn't feel like it belongs to his website.

All in all, his website is still too raw, and not as aesthetically pleasing as it might bore readers.

Major Project

Kate's research is consistent as she not only has research, she also puts effort into figuring out to do things that she's never done before. She has a set of illustrations that show how the idea has come together. She also showcased how she works with her chosen programme. 


Kate knows what works for her eyes and what doesn't as she constantly reflect on her website, slowly building it into a better, more aesthetically pleasing website.

Shouldn't upload too many things on website unless it's professional work.
Her website is minimal, which is a good thing as audience are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the layout of her page.


Love his website, looks professional, however, for clarity, on his about page, he should change the colour of his text to white so that it doesn't fade into the background.

The blog is a bit too much, readers might not be keen on reading his blog, therefore making it purposeless. 

Major Project

Santiago went many places and used many methods to be able to observe the buildings for inspiration. However, his website lacks reflection as well as artist research. So far it's only been his primary research.


Major Project

Consistent work with visible progress, research has been put into blog but reflection is still a bit limited.
Need more commentary.


Needs more work to make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Major Project

Thoughtful, really specific and consistent research, great reflections. Clear idea of what final piece is gonna be about. 

Includes website creation, which is good.


Good website overall, showcases project very professionally.

Great design, very neat contact page.

However, make the background your own picture.


Very beautiful and aesthetically please, minimal but full of useful information, well done!
But it was a really brief presentation on the website


Consistent research, specific plan. 
Fonts are too tiny to read, blog presentation is not as pleasant and pleasing as website.
Clear idea on what she's going to do for final piece.

Has a good amount of reflection/notes and evaluation on what works and what doesn't.

Speak louder next time?


Many, many, many many many many posts, which is a good thing as you are constantly updating your blog.

Consistent research and experimentation as well as reflection.


Good animation on website, but is it yours?

Font too hard to see, try not to put it in Italic.
The map might be a bit purposeless.


Really clear concept as well as idea generation. It's really clear what she wants to do.

Research is okay, seeing her have a fair amount of reflection as well as experimentation.
Good software exploration.


Great music!
Really nice gallery. 

Great about page! 

Webpage is well-designed.


A bit too colourful, therefore overwhelming.

Bio too long, might bore readers.
Great showcase of work and the contact page might need a colour change.


Visible process and reflection, as well as clear idea. 

Has idea generation which is great.

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